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Immunization Trivia
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VFC Providers
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1 Acadia ACAD
2 Allen ALLN
3 Ascension ASCN
4 Assumption ASMP
5 Avoyelles AVLS
6 Beauregard BEAU
7 Bienville BNVL
8 Bossier BSSR
9 Caddo CADO
10 Calcasieu CALC
11 Caldwell CALD
12 Cameron CAMN
13 Catahoula CATL
14 Claiborne CLBN
15 Concordia CNCD
16 DeSoto DSTO
17 East Baton Rouge EBTR
18 East Carroll ECRL
19 East Feliciana EFLC
20 Evangeline EVNG
21 Franklin FRNK
22 Grant GRNT
23 Iberia IBRA
24 Iberville IBVL
25 Jackson JAXN
26 Jefferson JEFF
27 Jefferson Davis JFDV
28 Lafayette LAFT
29 Lafourche LAFX
30 LaSalle LASL
31 Lincoln LNCN
32 Livingston LVGN
33 Madison MDSN
34 Morehouse MRHS
35 Natchitoches NTCH
36 Orleans ORLN
37 Ouachita OUCT
38 Plaquemines PLQM
39 Pointe Coupee PTCP
40 Rapides RAPD
41 Red River RDRV
42 Richland RICH
43 Sabine SABN
44 St. Bernard STBR
45 St. Charles STCH
46 St. Helena STHL
47 St. James STJM
48 St. John STJN
49 St. Landry STLN
50 St. Martin STMT
51 St. Mary STMY
52 St. Tammany STTM
53 Tangipahoa TNGP
54 Tensas TNSA
55 Terrebonne TRBN
56 Union UNON
57 Vermilion VRML
58 Vernon VRNN
59 Washington WASH
60 Webster WBST
61 West Baton Rouge WBTR
62 West Carroll WCRL
63 West Feliciana WFLC
64 Winn WINN
Metro Region 1
Capital Region 2
Region 3
Acadian Region 4
Southwest Region 5
Central Region 6
Northwest Region 7
Northeast Region 8
Region 9
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